Math problem Write up

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I don’t know how to handle this Mathematics question and need guidance.

Write your solution using your own words to explain your reasoning. The report should be no more than 3 pages.Answer all parts of the problem.

Write your solution in your own words. Show your justification for every step in your solution, using clear, mathematically accurate language. You can use phrases to explain your reasoning from step to step, but clearly state your final conclusions using complete English sentences (for example, “Jill needs to add 43 gallons of water to her pool”).

Label all numbers with the units they represent (e.g., 0.3048 ft/meter).

Type your write-up in MS Word and try to use the Equation Editor so that your equations are clear.


The list price of an iPod speaker is $26.99. It is on sale for 15% off, and there is a 6% sales tax. The store calculates the sales tax on the $26.99, and then takes 15% off the total. Jonathan wants them to take the discount first and then calculate the tax, reasoning that the tax will then be calculated based on the lower price and he will pay less.

Is Jonathan correct? How much will he pay each way?

How do these results compare with the problem you solved in the discussion activity?

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