Memoir Topic Brainstorm-weekly discussion

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This week, we should be thinking carefully about solidifying a topic and beginning our prewriting for Project #2. In this discussion, you have an opportunity to begin that process.

Choose three potential topics for your memoir and briefly describe the experience/memory/person that you will be focusing on in your memoir. Then explain why you think this makes a good topic for a memoir. Finally, describe what the “lesson learned” or bottom line for your memoir might be. Here’s an example of one entry you could have in this discussion:

  1. My first potential topic is a memory. It is a memory from fourth grade that centers on a soccer game my team won. This might be a good topic for a memoir because it is rich with detail, it is something that changed my life, and it contains a clear lesson. This lesson is that teamwork is essential in achieving your dreams, whether it be on the soccer field, the classroom, or the workplace.

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