Ontological Humility

Ontological Humility 1

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Base on this article write a discussion essay:

How you have experienced ontological humility and ontological arrogance in your life.

Ontological Humility

  • Munro, I. (2019, July 6). Ontology (my big word of the month) and humility. Leading Essentially. https://leadingessentially.com/2019/07/06/ontology-my-big-word-of-the-month-and-humility/
  • This blog introduces readers to the concept of ontological humility. The concept was penned by Fred Kofman in his 2006 text, Conscious Business. Ontological humility is the first step to recognizing, admitting, and embracing the idea that there is more we do not know than what we know. The more we know the more we realize how little we know.
  • Murray, T. (2008). Exploring epistemic wisdom: Ethical and practical implications of integral theory and methodological pluralism for collaboration and knowledge-building [PDF]. Ethics & Methodological Pluralism, ITC 2008.
  • This thought piece describes how ontological humility is the first step to gaining epistemic wisdom. Please read through this with an open mind and realization that there might be sections that are confusing to you today, and that is alright. You will want to re-read this article throughout the program and consider how your understanding of the concepts have become clearer over time.
  • Note that this site only allows a limited number of downloads each day. You might find it helpful to save the article to another location to ensure you can access it when you want.

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