Org. copy platform and print ad – Essaylink

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Advertising pervades every part of society. The products we use in our homes, the clothes we wear, the programs we watch on television, the books we read, the places we shop and go for recreation—all of these things are affected by advertising.


  • Brainstorm on your product. You can create a new product or put a new twist to an already existing one. Do not use an existing product without putting a twist to it.
  • Then write a Copy Platform (10.7, page 175 and Appendix C) as a Word document. A copy platform is a way of gathering information about a product and matching it with the advertising situation. Use the example in the book as your guide. You should use bullet points as needed and sentences when needed. Proofread it! You must include all of the following elements:
  1. Ad Subject
  2. Ad Problem
  3. Product Characteristics
  4. Advertising Objective
  5. Target Market
  6. Competition
  7. Statement of benefit or appeal
  8. Creative theme
  9. Supportive selling points
  • Now you will be creating your own visual ad to accompany your copy platform.

Your ad should have the following elements: (1) Illustration, (2) Headline, (3) Subheads, (4) Body Copy, and (5) Closings. Your book discusses these elements beginning on page 179. Here you have a sample ad (review the side notes, but remember that you do not need to label the elements when you submit your ad): Elements of a Print Ad.pdfPreview the document

Your ad should be letter-sized (8 1/2 X 11). You can choose if you want to do it horizontally or vertically.

Use Publisher, Word, or PowerPoint if you are new to graphic design. Use Photoshop or InDesign if you have experience.

Once you have created your ad you must convert it to a PDF document via scan, export, or “print to PDF” command and attach it to the Copy Platform before submitting.

  • You must submit/upload a 2-Page PDF that contains the Copy Platform on page 1 and the Print Ad on page 2.

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