Please follow the directions below carefully and answer the following discussion questions thoroughly and thoughtfully (In 350 words minimum)

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I’m studying for my Social Science class and need an explanation.


First, you will need to read the opinion article “The Upside of Income Inequality (Links to an external site.)” by Gary Becker and Kevin M. Murphy.


Next, you will need to create your discussion post. Your post must address the following (point values indicated in bold):

  1. What were the author’s main ideas regarding income inequality? 2 points
  2. What do you think the article did well when talking about income inequality? 3 points
  3. What information do you think they should have included? If you do not think that they missed any information, explain why. 3 points
  4. What was your overall impression of the article? Did you agree with their views? Why or why not? 5 points
  5. Given what we have learned in this unit, what is one thing that you think would help lessen income and/or educational inequality? Why? 5 points
  6. Post must be a minimum of 350 words. 2 points

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