project about disease of the day

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the scenario is

A 52 year old male entered your clinic complaining of nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, fatigue and fever symptoms that had started about 2 weeks earlier, shortly after he returned from a hunting trip. Although the fever and nausea had decreased, he still was experiencing diarrhea, headaches, aching joints and muscle pain. He noted that he and his 2 companions from the hunting trip had eaten some of the bear meat during the trip, and that one of his companions had been experiencing symptoms similar to his.

my disease is about trichinosis (round worm)

project directions:



PROJECT #1: 75 Points Maximum

This is the first of two projects that you will do this semester. You will be randomly assigned a

scenario for a disease and a date on which you will make a presentation to the class.

The first thing to do is

to evaluate the scenario and determine what you think the disease is in your scenario.

You will most likely have to do some research on a variety of diseases in order to accomplish this. Once you think you know what your disease is, you should give the instructor a single page typewritten (double spaced) analysis of why you believe that is the disease.

You should clearly lay out your supporting evidence in this analysis. If your analysis is correct, the instructor will let you know, and you may proceed with the remainder of the project. If your answer is incorrect, the instructor will return the report to you, and you will have to continue to research the project. Do not leave this part of the project to the last minute! It should be turned in to the instructor at least 3 classes prior to the date your presentation is due. This part of the project will be worth a maximum of 10 points. Once you have correctly identified the disease, you may proceed with the remainder of the project. You will have a maximum of 10 minutes to present the following information in a PowerPoint presentation.This part of the project will be worth a maximum of 65 points:

disease name (including correct pronunciation

…if you don’t know, look it up!




lysis of the scenario (how/why did you decide that this was the disease?)

etiologic agent (including correct pronunciation of the name of the agent),

and its

general characteristics

key tests for isolation and identification

of this organism

(be specific

for this microbe!)


how would you isolate and identify this organism in the laboratory?

What specific tests

would you have to do

on a person

to determine that this etiologic agent was present?

means of transmission and usual




l information to include when and who isolated the microbe and any significance

of its name

signs and symptoms of the disease; body system(s) usually affected

microbial virulence mechanisms contributing to the disease process

control &

treatment for the




current research about a vaccine or other means of


Current local and global outbreaks

(with incidence)

; what is the incidence of this disease

in San Diego county/southern California, the US, and globally



five reliable

Internet references, plus any other references used.

Wikipedia is


an acceptable reference.

Sources of photos used in the present

ation should be

documented in the reference list.


Initial analysis of disease scenario and explanatio


(handed in to instructor prior to oral presentation

10 points

Disease name/analysis of scenario (Power point)

4 points

Etiologic agent

2 points

Characteristics of etiologic agent (specific)

5 points



3 points

Mode of



3 points

Key Tests for identification (specific)

5 points


symptoms of disease /


systems affected

3 points

Historical information

4 points

Virulence factors

2 points

Control/ Treatment

4 points

Prevention/ Vaccine info, new




5 points

Current outbreaks/ cases locally


(with incidence)

and globally (with incidence)

5 points

General presentation quality (spelling, appropriate use of

scientific terms/words, etc)

10 points


properly done and mu

st work. Must have 5,


2 points for each one missing or not working. If

reference not complete (not all 5 parts),

1 for each

10 points


75 points

When selecting online references, remember that not all information on the WWW is reliable.


edia is not a reliable source and will not be counted as an acceptable reference.

Always try to use journal articles or governmental documents as the “authority,” and not rely on

commercial sites (.com) unless the same information appears in multiple refer

ences. Two

references with the same URL except for the last part will be considered the same reference,

like different pages in a book. Include all sources used; reference books and periodicals by a

standard format.

Be VERY careful when referencing online

sites. Each underscore, period, or capital letter must

be exact, or we will not be able to find the site. Always check your references before reporting

them by using the OPEN feature on your browser. If your reference will not open, it will not be


toward your grade.

To report your sources, prepare a bibliography

on the last slide of your PowerPoint presentation

and num

ber all references used. Then in

the body of your report, give the number of the

reference you used for information. This is called

end notes, which you have probably used for

other research papers. As with any report, be sure to paraphrase the information you use. If you

choose to use direct quotes from the article, you must use quotation marks. I will be checking

the references, so

be sure NOT to plagiarize!!


There are five required parts of an Internet reference

in order to receive full credit


the author of the article, if available.

title of the article

the date written/updated

Internet address (URL). For example,

http://www2 is the URL or reference for this

page, which should show in your browser heading. An easy way to get this reference is

to copy it from your browser and paste into your word processing program, so typos will


be made.

the date you visited the site.

Guidelines for PowerPoint Presentation

Your presentation is an important means of exchanging information with your fellow students.

They (and you) will be learning information from these presentations that they wil

l be tested on

at the end of the semester. Therefore, it is important that you do an effective presentation.

All presentations must be done in Power Point and must be brought to class on a standard flash

drive that fits a USB port.

If you do your presentat

ion on a Mac at home, make sure you

test it out on a PC before you bring it to class. We have occasionally had compatibility

problems for people using Macs, especially if the software is older!

The total

time allowed for the talk is 12

minutes, including q

uestions. Therefore, you should plan

your talk for

10 minutes, and allow the last 2

minutes for questions. It is usually a good idea to

plan for about 1 minute per slide in the presentation (you may use your bibliography slide at the

end as an extra slide,

as you will not actually talk about that slide in class). You should also

have a title slide. That means a total of approximately 12 slides.

Make an outline of the information you need to present, decide how many slides you need for

each point you need to


Do not write in complete sentences; use short phrases on the slides as a memory jogger of the

points you need to make.

PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE! Due to the time constraints, it is very important that you

practice delivering your presentation and

time it to see how long it takes. Adjust the content

accordingly during practice to fill the allotted time.

Be prepared! Do not talk about a topic unless you have a slide to go with it. Do talk about every

slide you show. There is an ideal balance between

too little and too much on a slide. The slides

should require some explanation in order to hold the interest of the audience.

Use fonts that will be large enough to read; never use a font smaller than 12 point.


The following pages list some useful links

to websites. They are not the only sites that

are available; there are many more. These will just be there to get you started.

All the Virology on the WWW

“Bugs” Index


Bugs in the News!

Centers for Disease Control and Prev

ention Home Page

CDC Parasitology Diagnostic Web Site

Medline Plus Health Information

Your Gateway to the World of Microbes

Public Health Image Library

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