Project topic 1-2 page summary

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I’m working on a Business exercise and need support.

In the previous project assignment #1 you Identified a project topic that you want to analyze and write on.Your project subject needs to be approved by me.If you did not submit that project, received feedback that topic was not acceptable, or needed to be revised you need to now circle back to me and resolve any outstanding issues before proceeding[1]

Before you prepare your written plan:

  • Determine what question you are trying to answer.Write it down, think about it, and revise if needed.This will need to be as definitive as you can.
  • Next consider what data is relevant and is needed to answer your question.Spend some time determining if that data is already available in whole or part and if part of your project may entail gathering your own data.
  • Project data may be from previously gathered sources or newly gathered by you.In either case you will be evaluated on the thoughtful effort to use relevant data.All data sources and approaches should be noted in your project report.
  • If you are going to gather primary data, determine your proposed methodology.

[1] This does NOT extend the deadline for this or future project assignments.

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