PSC 495 Action Research

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Minimum 100 word response for each question- site sources if used

Question 1:

In the textbook reading, you learned about the importance of audience analysis when making a presentation. In the Topic Material, “Selling Yourself and Your Ideas to Senior Management,” there are tips about making effective presentations geared to your audience. Think about your skills as a presenter, and identify two key areas that you need to improve on in order to be more effective when making presentations. Identify specific steps you will take to improve on these areas. When providing feedback to peers on ways to improve their skills, share specific tips, tricks, and strategies that have been successful for you when making presentations.

Question 2:

Many project proposals are requests for resources to include staff or funding for projects. Discuss what types of information you would need to include with proposals requesting funding. Include discussion of other groups or individuals you should contact for assistance in assembling the information.

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