python assignment

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Assignment 1: Blackjack


The goal of this assignment is to practice developing algorithms, pseudocode, and flowcharts. Additionally, students will develop their ability to refactor existing programs to add new features or abilities.


Part 1:

Design an algorithm that prompts the user for the numerical value of two cards. The program will validate the input and display their sum on the screen. If the calculated sum is 21, an asterisk shall be displayed beside the sum. The program shall end when two zeros are entered. The program shall print a welcome message when it is first started and a goodbye message when it terminates.

Create a flowchart for your algorithm using appropriate shapes for input, output, steps, loops, and decision points. Use your flowchart to write out a set of pseudocode instructions required to write the program in any language.

Part 2:

Modify the algorithm to allow the user to enter the face cards as J, Q, K or A. If the user enters J, Q, or K the program shall convert the entered value to 10. If the user enters A then count the value as 11 points.

Create a 2nd flowchart for your algorithm using appropriate shapes for input, output, steps, loops, and decision points. Use your flowchart to write out a 2nd set of pseudocode instructions required to write the program in any language.

Part 3:

Modify the algorithm to allow the user who receives the A to designate it either as 1 or 11.

Create a 3rd flowchart for your algorithm using appropriate shapes for input, output, steps, loops, and decision points. Use your flowchart to write out a 3rd set of pseudocode instructions required to write the program in any language.


For each part 1, 2, and 3 you are to turn in both a flowchart and the pseudocode required to write the program in any language. All 6 files should be included in the Blackboard assignment (do NOT zip the files together into 1 file, just upload multiple files). Your work will be evaluated according to the following rubric:

  • 0 Points: Did not submit a possible solution
  • 1 Point: Only one file is submitted. Missing either pseudocode or flow chart. Or not all 3 parts are covered by both.
  • 2 Points: All cases are included, but severe errors in logic or reasoning prevent successful conversion to python code.
  • 3 Points: Pseudocode or flow chart do not conform to standards. (i.e. wrong shapes, missing lines or arrows, incorrect indentation).
  • 4 Points: Minor error in logic of pseudocode or flow chart. (i.e. not all possible paths are included). Missing arrows or spaghetti lines make the flow chart difficult to read. Pseudocode is difficult to follow.
  • 5 Points: Flowchart and pseudocode are all perfect. No errors in logic of pseudocode and all shapes and paths are covered in the flow chart.

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