radical skepticism and scientism

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Discuss radical skepticism and scientism. Include the following items in your discuss

First, provide an introductory with a thesis statement about how you will be discussing radical skepticism (also known as external-world skepticism) and scientism.
Second, explain radical skepticism. Based on class resources, tell the following: What is it?
What are the implications of it for knowledge and for the rest of life (e.g., as it concerns God, self, others, the world)? What are some problems with it, according to the Christian worldview?
Third, explain scientism. Based on the class resources, tell the following: What is it?
What are the implications of it for science and for the rest of life (e.g., as it concerns knowledge of God, self, others, the world)? What are some problems with it, according to the Christian worldview?
Finally, the concluding paragraph, summarizing your points about radical skepticism and scientism. Make sure to summarize/state why these two views are incompatible with the Christian worldview.

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