Radiolab – Essaylink

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Listen to the episode of the podcast “radiolab” linked here. Be sure you have the correct episode,
concerning the original “War of the Worlds” broadcast and others.
a) Do you think their recounting of the 1938 broadcasts’ effects were correct? What do they admit to getting
wrong when this podcast was first presented?
b) Next, focus your attention on their description of the re-creation done in Quito Ecuador. ( min. 30 -46,
c)What did the station manager in Quito do to change the broadcast? What did he do to lay the groundwork for
the broadcast, and why do you think he did those things? Why was the public reaction in this case so different?
d)What do you think about the ethics of this broadcast?
e)Why do you think, given that it was the 1950’s , he still chose radio as the medium?




The post Radiolab first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.

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