Read the Abbie Katz case and answer question

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Read the Abbie Katz case found in the CANVAS Files.

1) Find one mistake from the 101 Costly HR Mistakes book and discuss how the mistake is relevant to the Abbie Katz case. Make sure to identify the mistake #. (10 points).

2) Find two (2) mistakes from the 101 Costly HR Mistakes book and link each one back to a discussion topic covered in class already from the Dessler textbook. Make sure to include the chapter the discussion was from. ( 12 points each)

(ie- #31 Not Documenting Employee Issues Appropriately can be linked to several discussions. The one I chose is how raters may ignore poor performance by not properly including performance issue on the performance evaluation, either by failing to include it on the evaluation or by not disciplining the employee properly. If terminated, there would be no documentation of the inappropriate behavior. This was discussed in chapter 9 during how to properly conduct performance evaluations and discussing discipline with the employee).

For your answer, provide more concepts about the mistake as discussed around the topic found in Dessler.

3) From the Abbie Katz case, what information written in the case is not relevant for a manager/supervisor to know about Abbie? (6 points)

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