Reintroduction of Ursus arctos to Restore Coconino National Forest Arizona

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Reintroduction of Ursus arctos to Restore Coconino National Forest Arizona

*This report is intended to build upon two previous reports that will be uploaded for the writer to refer to. However, it is expected that the report use additional sources as well as any other uploaded documents. 1. Describe a reference system (refer to uploaded document “ser-primer.pdf” section 5 for definition of reference system) for your project, and how you selected it. It may or may not include an actual site. If it does, describe the current state of the site as well as its historical range of variation; where is it on a successional trajectory (pioneer species, early or late seral, or climax community)? In building your reference ecosystem, try to include as much information as you can locate, concerning the physical environment as well as the biotic community. What necessary baseline data are unavailable and should be inventoried? Are aerial or ground-level photos available? Did you consider historical accounts or paleoecological evidence? What disturbance events and/or cultural practices are necessary for maintaining the integrity of this ecosystem? You may want to review p. 9-10 of the SER Primer. 2. Select one of the alternatives described in the previous assignment (“PP2” uploaded document) as the “preferred alternative” for restoring your site. Explain why you selected it (i.e. does it meet the criteria for sustainability, which are A) Ecologically possible (technology and skills are available and can be applied in a way consistent with ecological processes), B) Economically feasible (financial resources are available, cost is justifiable in terms of expected benefits), and C) Culturally adoptable (socially acceptable). Describe proposed actions, timing and duration, equipment and materials needed, sources of labor (paid and volunteer). 3. Develop a spreadsheet that breaks down specific expenses for implementation of the preferred alternative. Estimate costs for each item, to the best of your ability: – Separate costs into labor/materials/services – Estimate each to within order-of-magnitude accuracy, if you can. In other words, are we talking 10s, 100s, 1000s, or 1,000,000s of hours/dollars? – Even if you plan to use volunteer labor, you should try to make some rough guess as to how much time is involved (person-hours). – For each figure in your spreadsheet, show how you arrived at the result. For example, if you need to hire an excavator to move soil or rocks around, don’t just say “$10,000”. Include a calculation, e.g. 100 hours x $100/hr = $10,000 (up to 5 points) 3. Describe the expected outcomes from carrying out the proposed action, in terms of time-frame, spatial extent, and the degree to which targeted conditions will be changed. 4. List your sources of information at the end of your report. 5. Label sections and any included graph, pictures, spreadsheets, etc..

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