Retirment Plan

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Retirment Plan

You are expected to undertake calculations to provide to this couple an amount (if any) of additional savings over the next 10 years prior to retirement needed to support (in inflation-adjusted dollars) their disposable income at a level equivalent to 80% what they are currently experiencing. These calculations will be undertaken on an EXCEL spreadsheet. The exercise will be based on: Calculating the net present value (at the beginning of their retirement period) of net after-tax revenue and income during their retirement The second calculation will be to compare this to the future value of all their accumulated savings available at the beginning of their retirement period. In the event that the future value of the savings is not sufficient to support the present value of their net retirement expenditures, you will calculate what additional annual savings needed over the next 10 years to balance these two calculations In the event that the future value of the savings exceeds the present value of their net expenditures, you will calculate the reduction in annual savings that they would be able to afford over the next 10 years to balance these two calculations

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