Reverse Outline AND Persuasive Essay

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In this assignment, you will write a persuasive essay that makes an argument about changes or a current issue in your major, in a major you are interested in pursuing, or in your field of work.

The project has one milestone, which will be submitted earlier in the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final submissions. This milestone will be submitted in Module Five. The final submission is due in Module Seven.

In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:

  • Develop stylistically appropriate writing that incorporates strategies for writing to a given audience, subject, and purpose
  • Incorporate feedback from peer review for improving the quality and effectiveness of one’s own writing
  • Write informative introductions, coherent theses, well-developed, organized, and supported body paragraphs, and conclusions that are persuasive and supported by effective research
  • Utilize appropriate research for developing a well-informed position through written composition
  • PART2
  • Type or copy and paste your thesis into your Word document.
  • Type or copy and paste your first body paragraph into your Word document (TIP: If you retype it, you might catch small-scale errors, such as grammar or punctuation).
  • In the body paragraph you just copied, designate each element of the PIE method (Point, Information, and Explanation) by placing the letter P, I, or E in front of the corresponding sentence. Then, type brief notes about whether or not you need more information. (TIP: If you’re having trouble finding the elements of the PIE method, it might indicate a problem and the need for revision.)
  • Repeat steps 2 and 3 for the rest of your body paragraphs.

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