Review the Project Timeline information in your field study guide. Produce a document that is similar to the example provided. – Essaylink

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Week 02 Assignment:
Project Timeline
Review the Project Timeline information in your field study guide. Produce a document that is similar to the example provided. The document is your plan and it needs to work for you.

As you review your timeline and action plan, consider the following questions:
Is the purpose and significance of your project clear?
Does your project address a significant need?
Are the research questions clearly and concisely stated?
Have you identified where and when you will gather data?
Do you know where you will search for resources?
Have you identified people or groups you wish to interview or survey?
Have you built in time to create interview questions or build a survey?
Are the procedures for collecting information described fully?
Have you built in time to analyze data?
Have you built in time to write your first and final drafts?
Do you know how you will communicate your results to interested parties?
From a different perspective, SMART action plans should be:
S pecific
M easurable
A chievable
R ealistic
T imebound*
*Note: the citation for this resource is not available.
Your project outline and timeline should describe specific tasks to be completed at each stage of your project. What needs to be done? How will it be carried out? Who needs to be part of the process? When should each phase of your project be completed? What are the expected results?  What will you do with the results?

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