Select a single finding from each journal and describe a recent service experience that demonstrates it. – Essaylink

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Description of Assessment Task and Purpose:

Provide a summary of the findings for each journal prescribed below. Select a single finding from each journal and describe a recent service experience that demonstrates it. Consider your experience in relation to the appropriate literature.

1. Read the three journals. Each relates to one of the 3 P’s in the extended marketing mix; People, Process and Physical Evidence.

• People: Hur, W., Moon, T., and Jung, Y. (2015) Customer response to employee emotional labor: the structural relationship between emotional labor, job satisfaction, and customer satisfaction. Journal of Services Marketing. 29 (1), 71-80

• Process: Bilgihan, A., Kandampully, J., and Zhang, T. (2016) Towards a unified customer experience in online shopping environments: Antecedents and outcomes. International Journal of Quality and Service Science. 8(1), 102-119

• Physical Evidence: Lin, I. (2016) Effects of visual servicescape aesthetics comprehension and appreciation on consumer experience. Journal of Services Marketing. 30(7), 692-712

2. Provide a summary of the main findings from each journal.

3. Select 1 finding from each journal and describe a recent service experience that demonstrates it.

4. Consider your experiences in relation to the literature

The purpose of this assignment is to develop your skills at interpreting the literature and written critical analysis.

Learning Outcomes Assessed:

LO1 To interpret and summarise the main points of selected academic literature.

LO2 To interpret and apply concepts developed in services marketing to real and simulated situations.Assessment length: 1500 words +/- 10%

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