Shared Practice

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Can you help me understand this Business question?

  • Prepare the following:·
    • Your analysis of where Cincinnati Children’s Hospital has applied key principles of systems thinking and where it appears to be lacking in their application of systems thinking.
    • Explain the value of systems thinking to the leadership of Cincinnati Children’s Hospital as they aim for new levels of quality. Justify your response.
  • Prepare the following: ·
    • A brief description of an organization with which you are familiar and the example of poor systems thinking you observe.
    • An explanation of the core issues that you think led to this systems failure, including whether managers were using “yesterday’s thinking”.
    • An explanation of whether there might have been a different or better outcome if managers had understood the principle of the “parts of the whole fit together” (Justify your response.)

General Guidance: Each question on the shared practice will typically be 2–3 paragraphs in length.


Meadows, D. H. (2008). Thinking in systems: A primer. White River Junction, VT: Chelsea Green.

Senge, P. M. (2006). The fifth discipline: The art & practice of the learning organization. New York, NY: Doubleday.

Atwater, J. B., & Pittman, P. H. (2006). Facilitating systemic thinking in business classes. Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education, 4(2), 273–292.

Edmondson, A., & Tucker, A. (2011). Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center [Case study]. HBS Case 9-609-109. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School. Retrieved from

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