Short essay approximately 300 words

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I’m trying to study for my Social Science course and I need some help to understand this question.

In May 2019 Alabama state lawmakers signed into law a bill that puts a total ban on abortion in the state. Do some research- what are the tenets of the bill? Has it taken effect- why or why not? Research federal law (Roe v Wade) and how the state bill (and others like it) challenge the existing law of the land.

I’m looking for you to provide a short (300 word) account of federal law, the new state challenge, and the current state of the bill. There are several scholarly and news sources, as well as many podcasts (i.e. NYT The Daily) that have covered abortion law in 2019.

You don’t have to use in-text citations but please include a works cited section with at least 3 sources (Wikipedia does not count).

Be more liberal and women sided

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