Source one criminal case where forensic evidence has been vital in securing a conviction or quashing a wrongful conviction:Provide a factual account of the case specifically discussing the role of forensics in the investigation. – Essaylink

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Students are required to source one criminal case where forensic evidence has been vital in securing a conviction or quashing a wrongful conviction. The case does not have to be restricted to the UK.

There are 2 parts to this essay:

(1) Students are to provide a factual account of the case specifically discussing the role of forensics in the investigation.

(2) Students must then discuss how the particular evidence type/s are can use in criminal investigations (for example if fibre evidence is relevant, provide a critical discussion on the information provides by fibres, how they are recovered, type of analysis, the strength of this type of evidence, issues associated with the evidence, context etc).

Students must evidence all their sources of information and support for this essay using the Harvard referencing system.

The post Source one criminal case where forensic evidence has been vital in securing a conviction or quashing a wrongful conviction:Provide a factual account of the case specifically discussing the role of forensics in the investigation. appeared first on Essay Quoll.

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