Sphinx is a B2C business which is selling products online to its customers for more than 10 years

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Sphinx is a B2C business which is selling products online to its customers for more than 10 years. Sphinx like any online business sells products online to its customers inside and outside the country.
Sphinx has appointed a consultant firm to advise about what data should be collected to reflect accurate views about the customer’s perceptions toward Sphinx. The consultant firm has recommended 23 separate variables which are based on the market nature of Sphinx customers. Three types of information were recommended to be collected in form of surveys.

Description of Database Variables
Data Warehouse Classification Variables
X1 Customer Type
X2 Gender
X3 Age Group
X4 Location
X5 Payment Method Performance Perceptions Variables
X6 Product Quality
X7 Online Tracking System
X8 Technical Support
X9 Complaint Resolution
X10 Advertising
X11 Product Portfolio
X12 Web-Site Image (Look and Feel)
X13 Competitive Pricing
X14 Warranty and Claims of the Purchased Product
X15 New Products
X16 Ordering and Billing Process
X17 Discount and Promotion
X18 Delivery Speed Outcome/Relationship Measures
X19 Satisfaction (Overall)
X20 Likelihood of Recommendation
X21 Likelihood of Future Purchase
X22 Current Purchase Level
X23 Consider subscribing to LOTBP offered by Sphinx.

-The Question is Selecting the most influential X’s on Y Without touching the data or using any data analysis, select the 6 most important independent variables that might affect X19. and why?




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