Structure of Programming Languages – Essaylink

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Answer the following questions


a) Define NER and what it is useful for:

b) Give 3 examples of boundary issues in NER

c) Run NLTK’s NER model on the following sentence: “Trump is going to Paris on France’s express train with John Kelly”

i) Show your code here:

ii) Calculate the accuracy of the model on this sentence


a) What is the difference between polarity sentiment analysis and categorical sentiment analysis? Give examples

b) Give 3 sentences that would be hard to get correct sentiment for. Each one should show a different language issue.




c) Code in python and report the polarity sentiment for the following sentence: “This is the best exam in the world!”

i) Show your code here:


ii) Report the score:



a) What are 3 key features of an imperative language?




b) How does a functional language differ from imperative ?


a) Explain a Zipf curve and what it detects.

b) Does a Zipf curve look the same in all languages? What would cause a Zipf curve to be abnormal looking?

b) Draw a Zipf Curve. Label the X and Y axis and show example values



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