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I’m studying for my Law class and need an explanation.

  1. راجع خطة الجماعة الكاريبية لاستعمار واستعباد الدول لتقديم تعويضات. ما هو التقدم الذي تم إحرازه حتى الآن؟
  2. تحديد المرشحين المحتملين – الأفراد ، المنظمات غير الحكومية ، الحكومات ، البرامج – لشراكة مع HUSL لتعزيز المزيد من التقدم في هذا المشروع

  1. Review the AU’s plan for African development.
  2. Review UNEC’s plan for completing the Pan African Highway system.
    1. What progress has been made, to date?
    2. What obstacles remain?
    3. Assess the sustainability of the project in its present form
    4. Identify likely candidates–individuals, NGOs, governments, programs–for a partnership with HUSL to promote further progress on this project.

  3. Review plans for the Great Green Wall.
    1. What progress has been made, to date?
    2. What obstacles remain?
    3. Assess the sustainability of the project in its present form
    4. Identify likely candidates–individuals, NGOs, governments, programs–for a partnership with HUSL to promote further progress on this project.

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