The current COVID-19 pandemic has been linked to several opposing social issues from the start

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The current COVID-19 pandemic has been linked to several opposing social issues from the start, here in the US.

First, it was about the decision to deal with it here at home, as we watched it unfold in China, then Italy. We labeled it as a foreign disease, Chinese virus, and the like.

Then, came the reality that COVID-19 was here and was hitting hard many of our metropolitan areas. We needed to decide whether to shut down the economy and practice social distancing right away across the nation or wait until it was necessary to do so.

Third, the economic shutdown and social distancing became a must in order to stop the spread of the virus. We needed to find solutions to help those most affected by the pandemic.

Currently, the vaccines are available to most individuals 16 years of age and older. Yet, in some states, infection cases are rising, with Michigan being among the top.

  1. At each step of the pandemic described above, discuss any irrational behaviors observed. What principles learned in class (loss aversion, commitment, diagnosis bias, group dynamic, etc.) better explain the situation and why. Please make sure you provide your understanding of the principal. (25 points)

  2. Are there any “dark figures” being used by the proponents and opponents of the stay-at-home policies? Where do these figures come from? Are they good or bad statistics? Describe how these figures are being used to support the views of each party (pros or cons). (20 points) In the case of evaluating the current infection, explain why it is better to use the number of cases per 100,000 persons than just the crude number of cases. (5 points)

  3. 3. In the case of evaluating the current infection, explain why it is better to use the number of cases per 100,000 persons than just the crude number of cases. (5 points)

  1. Question 2 (40 points)

  2. The “Black Lives Matter” and the “Me Too” movements represent two important issues in the history of the United States but have taken a new life recently, with the current trial of Derek Chauvin accused of killing George Floyd and the alleged sexual misconducts of several political personalities like Andrew Cuomo and Matt Gaetz. Research the arguments in defense for and in opposition to the two issues. Make sure to identify any statistics used in either argument and examine whether they are bad or good and explain why.



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