The Effects of Grief on Adolescence

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 The Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology offers a diverse curriculum that provides a broad-based education in many facets of behavior, mental processes, communication, research, and writing. Courses include forensics, sports and positive psychology, as well as the traditional courses needed to prepare students for graduate studies. Students may select from four tracks/concentrations within the major (Human Services, Developmental Psychology, Health Care/Fitness, and Business). Student learning objectives include the application of scientific method and the ethical treatment of human and animal research subjects. Program Goal(s): Upon completion of this program, students are able to: • Apply the scientific method to psychological research • Identify what constitutes ethical treatment of human and animal subjects in research • Develop an understanding of APA format and writing in the field of psychology • Develop an understanding of how statistical tests are commonly used in psychological research. • Analyze human behavior and mental processes • Explain theories of development throughout the lifespan • Evaluate theories of personality • Understand applied psychological approaches for health, marriage and family, sports, and industrial psychology. • Explain basic concepts of clinical and counseling psychology • Explain processes of cognition Course Objectives/Outcomes: Upon completion of this course the student will be able to: 1. Identify and define a topic appropriate for capstone project 2. Produce a timeline with deliverable dates 3. Organize information needed for a research paper in proper outline form 4. Analyze theories and apply them to a real-world situation 5. Demonstrate the ability to use peer-reviewed journals, research databases, and other credible resources to conduct research 6. Use cited literature to support opinions and viewpoints 7. Show understanding of proper APA style 8. Write a formal research paper 9. Present an effective and clear oral presentation using PowerPoint.

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