The link here is a link to a speech that was made by Barak Obama at the Democratic National Convention in Boston in 2004. Please view the speech and create a BLOG POST (your #3) that will describe techniques that he uses that help make this one of the m

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The link here is a link to a speech that was made by Barak Obama at the Democratic National Convention in Boston in 2004. Please view the speech and create a BLOG POST (your #3) that will describe techniques that he uses that help make this one of the memorable speeches of the last 20 years.

This is a personal reflection, there are no wrong answers, your work should be concise, aim for about 500 words or less.

Ask yourself these questions before you blog:

Do you agree or disagree with some part of the topic of presented?

Do you feel that it was communicated effectively, or appropriately?

Your post must demonstrate that you have:

1. Studied the material presented or question asked using active listening skills

2. Reflected on it, and asked yourself: what does this mean and how does this impact me, what did I learn from this?

3. Thought critically about it: was this message communicated as effectively as it could have been? Do I agree or disagree with this? How do I feel about the assumptions upon which the information is based?

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