Torts and Product Liability – Essaylink

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On his way home from work, Andy Earl stopped at Mad Beach Pub. After leaving the pub, Earl drove his car into a house at a speed of approximately 30 miles per hour. When the car struck the house, the passenger compartment collapsed and Earl was seriously injured. His blood alcohol content was 0.08%. The investigation also discovered that he had been texting at the time of the accident. Earl brought a strict product liability action against the car manufacturer on the grounds that the car was not crashworthy. He also filed suit against the pub for selling him the alcohol.

Summarize the statutes from your state related to driving under the influence (DUI) and texting while driving.
Provide the arguments that each party (Earl, the car manufacturer, and the pub) will make at trial.
Explain how the court should rule. Provide support for your decision.


The post Torts and Product Liability first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.

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