US History ll

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Need help with my History question – I’m studying for my class.

Using the uploaded referenced material, Schultz, Kevin M. (2013) HIST (with CourseMate Printed Access Card) (3rd Edition). Must be one of your sources.

For each question, the response should be at least 450 words, and have at least two other authoritative sources than the one provided between all 4 questions, and must be used in APA format and be cited with a direct link to sources. Direct Quotes are not excepted!!

  1. After the Revolution, the immediate crisis was establishing a national government. Why did the Articles of Confederation fail, and how was the Constitution supposed to be a better solution?
  2. Analyze the federal government as it existed under the Articles of Confederation. What were some of the issues that the United States had to deal with under the Articles of Confederation? How did the Articles fail to live up to the needs of the new nation?
  3. Describe the creation and development of the federal government under the new Constitution. How did disagreements over the ways the United States should be governed lead to a two-party political system?
  4. Define Jeffersonian Democracy, and explain how Jefferson’s presidency both defined and contradicted that political philosophy.

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