Use MS Project to develop a schedule and labor management report for an information system development project named Project EB1 at top level – Essaylink

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I. Use MS Project to develop a schedule and labor management report for an information system development project named Project EB1 at top level (you must have the name Project EB1 as the top level). Create WBS of subtasks by indentation with the following information: 
A. ProjectEB1
1. Initiation: 5 days, starting 9/14/2020: Shawn (80%) and Natasha (90%). Use Task Information – Resource Window to enter names and percentages of individuals performing each task. 
2. Planning: 7 days, starting one day before Initiation ended: Natasha (80%) and Shawn (75%). 
3. Execution: 10 days, starting the day after Planning completed. Shawn (100%), Jeff (90%), Yao (100%), Vang (90%) Ahmed (50%) and Nicole (90%). 
4. Testing: 10 days. All tests start at 8:00 AM in the morning of the day after Execution task ended: Shawn (70%), Jeff (90%), Chad (80%), Jack (80%) and Nicole (90%). 
6. Closing: 2 days, starting the morning of the day after Testing completed: Ming (90%), Nicole (70%), and Katie (80%). 
Note: Because all tasks end at 5:PM each day, a task which is scheduled to start one day before the end of another task will start at 8:00 AM on the same ending day of the other task. For example if task A is scheduled to complete at 5:00 PM on June 10 and task B is scheduled to start one day before task A’s completion, task B starting day will be June 10 at 8:00 AM. 
II. Use the Task Information-Predecessor Window to create the following links: 
FS (Finish to Start): Initiation to Planning, Planning to Execution, Execution to Testing, and Testing to Closing. Set a negative value to Lag Time to indicate time overlapping between two tasks. 
III. Insert the Baseline Start and Baseline Finish (without version number) columns before the Start column. Go to the Project tab, click Set Baseline, then click Update Project and set Start day of Initiation task to a day later. You will see the new dates in the start and finish date columns. Insert the Actual cost column to view the cost. If MS Project does not automatically move the remaining tasks (after Initiation) one day later, update all remaining tasks to start a day later.
IV. Go to the Task tab, click Tracking Gantt from the Gantt chart drop down list. You now see the tracking Gantt.
V. Print the Tracking Gantt report to PDF file which must include the following columns: Task name, Duration, Baseline start, Baseline Finish, Start, Finish, Predecessor, and Resource Names. You must have all columns shown. The report will spread multiple pages.
VI. Go to View tab, Other views, More views, Resource Usage and print to PDF this view. Review the PDF output to make sure that you don’t miss columns. Submit the PDF files to D2L.

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