Week 2 Power or Persuasion

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I’m working on a Marketing question and need guidance to help me study.

Use Excel to create your own diagram duplicating the Persuasion Matrix shown in Chapter 6 (SEE BELOW). Choose a TV commercial or print ad and use the matrix to evaluate how it might influence consumers’ response process.

There are variables in the communication system that advertiser select. Don’t overthink this exercise… I am sure you have heard of the acronym KISS. Well, this would apply to this exercise. The goal of this exercise is to make you think in the light of how you see and comprehend the ad, then think of what indirect and direct variables that you can identify from the communication of the ad. Hint: Answer the four questions about the Receiver, Channel, Message and Source.

When submitting your assignment you can include your ad by attaching it separately, include it in your Excel document, or link to the ad that you selected.

A matrix of independent and dependent variables.

  1. Receiver/comprehension: Can the receiver comprehend the ad? Marketers must know their target market to make their messages clear and understandable. A less educated person may have more difficulty interpreting a complicated message. Jargon may be unfamiliar to some receivers. The more marketers know about the target market, the more they see which words, symbols, and expressions their customers understand.
  2. Channel/presentation: Which media will increase presentation? A popular prime-time-TV show such as The Big Bang Theory is seen by as many as Page 18618 million people each week, while magazines such as Time and People reach over 3 million readers with each weekly publication and millions more through their digital editions. But the important point is how well a media vehicle reaches the marketer’s target audience. A show such as Keeping Up with the Kardashians, which appears on the E! cable network, reaches around 2 million viewers each week and its audience primarily consists of young men and women between the ages of 18 and 24 who are very fashion conscious and tech savvy. Although the ratings of the show have declined recently, many companies still view it as a way to reach this audience which is highly coveted by many advertisers since they are prime prospects for clothing fashion, consumer electronics, and many other products.2
  3. Message/yielding: What type of message will create favorable attitudes or feelings? Marketers generally try to create agreeable messages that lead to positive feelings toward the product or service. Humorous messages often put consumers in a good mood and evoke positive feelings that may become associated with the brand being advertised. Music adds emotion that makes consumers more receptive to the message. Many advertisers use explicit sexual appeals designed to arouse consumers or suggest they can enhance their attractiveness to the opposite sex. Some marketers compare their brands to the competition.
  4. Source/attention: Who will be effective in getting consumers’ attention? The large number of ads we are bombarded with every day makes it difficult for advertisers to break through the clutter. Marketers deal with this problem by using sources who will attract the target audience’s attention—actors, athletes, rock stars, or attractive models.

Technology Assignments Rubric

Clarity and Neatness

25.0 pts


Easy to read/watch and all elements are very clearly written, labeled.

22.0 pts


Easy to read/watch and most elements are very clearly written, labeled.

20.0 pts


Understandable to read/watch. But shows signs of disorganization.

18.0 pts


Hard to read/watch and one cannot tell what goes where.

25.0 pts


25.0 pts


No spelling or grammatical mistakes.

22.0 pts


1-3 spelling or grammatical mistakes.

20.0 pts


3-5 spelling or grammatical mistakes.

18.0 pts


5 or greater No spelling or grammatical mistakes.

25.0 pts

Total Points: 100.0

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