What are Ashley Stewart bases for sustainable competitive advantage? – Essaylink

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1- What are Ashley Stewart bases for sustainable competitive advantage?

2- Ashley Stewart’s “brick and mortar” retail stores are classified as which type of general merchandise outlet?

3- Ashley Stewart created beautifully merchandised stores, where each customer is greeted by “Ms. Ashley.” This choice represented which part of a retail strategy?

4- With its reinvented website, Ashley Stewart’s customers find bright colors, and stylish models sporting the latest trends. The website promotes web-exclusive collections to customers that are not available in the “brick and mortar” stores. Which benefit of omnichannel retailing does this highlight?

5- Utilizing its website and social media, Ashley Stewart connects with other “Neighborhood Girls Gone Global,” reminding them of how someone or something local can engage communities all over the world and succeed globally. Which benefit of omnichannel retailing does this highlight?

6- Buy choosing an omnichannel strategy, Ashley Stewart is attempting to get its target market to purchase more of their clothing and accessories from the retailer. This is an effort to

7- Describe Ashley Stewart retail using the six Ps.

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