What aspects of your culture or identity do you suppress at work and why? What aspects of your culture or identity can you use in your work with others? – Essaylink

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Cultural Interview: This assignment involves a written analysis of an interview with someone from a cultural group different from your own about their experience working for an organization. The purpose is to increase your understanding and awareness of differences in the workplace. General cultural differences include ethnicity, gender, and age. Typically, the most learning occurs when the person is as different from you as possible. You should address the following questions at a minimum:

-How would you show respect when doing business?

-What would you consider to be very rude business behavior?

-What differences do you perceive between yourself and members of other cultural groups in your workplace?

-What would you consider unethical in conducting business?

-What aspects of your culture or identity do you suppress at work and why?

-What aspects of your culture or identity can you use in your work with others?

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