What is your earliest memory related to race? How old were you? What was the situation? Do you recall any feelin gs related to this experience?Discuss – Essaylink

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Updated BE 8/24/20

Personal Diversity Exploration


The purpose of this assignment is to reflect

on your own experiences of race and racial

identity as a way to link to the content that

we’ve been discussing this semester. This is a

journal-type reflection paper due by the end of the semester.


Complete a paper that addr

esses the following questions:


What is your earliest memory related to

race? How old were you? What was the

situation? Do you recall any feelin

gs related to this experience?


Do you recall when you learned about your

racial group? How about when you learned

that there were racial groups other than yo

ur own? How did you learn this information?


How do you perceive your own race, and how is your race is perceived by others?


Select a significant institution in your life

(i.e. educational, religious, media/cultural,

etc.). What have you learned from this in

stitution about race? How might this have

impacted relationships and identity?


Thinking about your workplace (or educational

experience), scan your relationships with

people who have been socialized

into a different racial group than yourself. What is the

nature of these relationships? Are these re

lationships similar or different than you

experienced in your childhood? Have the ty

pes of changed over time? What do you

notice about the relationships in your life today?

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