What must a complaint for divorce contain? – Essaylink

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a. What must a complaint for divorce contain?

b. Must the complaint be subscribed and/or verified?

c. Where is the complaint served and filed? Write your response in step 5 at the end of the chapter.

d. What is the fee for filing a divorce complaint in your state? Write your answer in step 6 at the end of the chapter.

e. What happens if a party seeking a divorce cannot afford the filing fee or any court costs? Can he or she proceed as a poor person and thereby have these fees and costs waived?

f. Who may serve process in your state? Write your answer in step 7 at the end of the chapter.

g. How is personal service made on an individual? Write your answer in step 8 at the end of the chapter. h. In a divorce action, when can substituted service be used?


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