What procedures would a manager or supervisor utilize to try to ensure employee satisfaction and retention?Discuss – Essaylink

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In no fewer than 15 page essay (not counting title section, reference list & forms/templates) complying with the academic standards for written assignment found in the course ‘Guidelines’ (compliance contributes 20% to the assignment grade), describe in detail (using your own perceptions and experience) how you would respond to the following scenario:

You have been asked to develop a proposal for a comprehensive Training Program for the organization to present to senior management. Justify the value of this program by including the following elements –

Company policies, performance expectations,


Confidentiality of employee information and compliance with HIPAA for patient information,

code of conduct; including constructive discipline procedures,

Identify benchmarks or ‘best practices’ that a manager or supervisor utilize to try to ensure employee satisfaction and retention; and

What procedures would a manager or supervisor utilize to try to ensure employee satisfaction and retention?

Include these elements of a training program –

New employee orientation, (include organization mission, vision and a summary of the strategic plan).

Legal compliance training for all employees (and at specific levels, such as ‘workers’ and ‘managers’) pertaining to applicable e laws, ( state and federal employee and labor laws).

Safety training for all employees (and at specific levels, such as ‘workers’, ‘safety team and unit emergency response teams’ and ‘managers’) including a Disaster Plan (including actions and assignment of responsibilities),

And considering striving toward achieving the mission and vision of the organization, consider the following –

How you would determine effective staffing levels and what benchmarks you would use for productivity,

Employee training and development to anticipate and meet current and futures needs of the organization; and

Quality improvement and customer satisfaction.

Include an implementation timetable and action plan.

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