Write a 10,000-word dissertation based on factors contributing to female misdiagnoses of Autism spectrum conditions (ASC). – Essaylink

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A 10,000-word dissertation based on factors contributing to female misdiagnoses of Autism spectrum conditions (ASC).

Materials used in research proposal. Want it to focus on why woman are misdiagnosed in the United Kingdom, These are the 5 studies from research proposal that must be used for secondary data purposes. All other evidence should be UK based such as NHS, PHE, ONS, etc

1) The overlap between ASC and BPD .

2)The experience of late diagnosed woman with autism.

3)Experience of mental health diagnosis in autistic adults

4)Camouflaging of repetitive movements in autistic female and transgender adults.

5)A qualitative exploration of the female experience of autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

LO1) Demonstrate ability to select and critically appraise literature and evidence-based knowledge on a relevant practice topic and evaluate the ethical and practical implications of particular design of social research.

LO2) Demonstrate skills in analysing, interpretating, explaining and criticising topics through the use of appropriate concepts, theories and methods.

LO4) Be competent in writing, conducting research, presenting evidence and arguing results.

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