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I’m studying for my Economics class and need an explanation.

The Vice President of operations recently promoted you and moved you to a new branch office where the morale among employees is low and performance is poor. Of the five employees, Amani has the most tenure with six years. Amani seems to have the lowest morale and is not motivated to do the work, although he is quite capable of doing it successfully. Bassmah has been with the company for four years, but has not mastered the new software and is performing at a low level even three months after being trained on the software. Hadeel also has four years with the company and Rawan has two years. Hadeel and Rawan are responsible for client contact, and while in the past they worked well together on reaching out to clients, now there are conflicts and low morale. Samah has been with the company just three months and does not understand what is expected on the job and is contemplating leaving the company.

Approach the case as a manager well versed in situational leadership.

  • Explain situational leadership to your Vice President.
  • Determine the readiness level of each employee and explain your reasoning.
  • Determine the appropriate leader behavior to match the employee level and explain your reasoning.
  • Develop a plan of action as to how you will lead each person to higher performance and morale, and explain it to your Vice President.

– use APA style or citation

Use thoes references

– Chapter 5 in Leadership: Theory and Practice

– Helbling, C. (2018, July). Cultivate and sustain motivation. Chemical Engineering Progress,

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