writing a lab report about separation of a mixture of solids

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I’m studying and need help with a Chemistry question to help me learn.

write a lab report and be extra details on how we you did the experiment

the lab report should include the following :

*Report Style:

A) Cover Page (50 points)

(include picture like a cover page something related to the experiment )

B) Introduction (50 points)

(about the separation of a mixture of soiled )

C) Typed data and observations (400 points)

I attached my data sheet in a pdf file and I attached some pictures of the tolls we used in this experiment

D) What’s Up (200 points)

(explain how is this expeirment related to engineering what the use of this experiment in the engineering world )

F) Conclusion (100 points)

make a nice conclousion about it and what we learned.

Important cite your work if you are going to take something from the internet.

****** there are going to be a plagiarism checker so please make it free of that.

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