survey customers

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You are a manager at, Fine Foods, a chain of specialty food restaurants. The company has found that it is losing return customers and has decided that you need to survey customers in order to identify the potential reasons.

The customer experience defined in social media posts revealed that while the table and bar service were efficient, friendly, and contributed to enriched experiences, the reservation and greet and seat processes were severely lacking.

3. You believe that some of the products and services are not performing as well as they could. Identify either an area where you feel the level of customer service could be improved or a problem you have identified that needs fixing. Describe this clearly and the objectives you want to achieve.

4. Describe how you will research and obtain any necessary information or data that will support the need to improve the area you have identified in the above task. For example, you may need to research the prices of competitors, or up-to-date information on food trends.

Make a list of all the ways you might research this information.

5. Develop a questionnaire to determine your customer needs and wants. You need to gain information in your questionnaire about the customer category (market segment) that is relevant to your business such as:

·      Age group

·      Geographic location

·      Reason for using your product or service

·      Social/economic status eg how much do they usually spend on the product or service and how often.

Ask questions that identify what the customers are looking for such as:

·      Number and timing of product/service purchase (at your business or similar)

·      Reasons for purchase

·      Customers’ attitudes about various product attributes

·      Importance of the product to the lifestyle of the consumer

·      What they see are the main priorities when purchasing your service or product, eg quality, price, speed, after service, atmosphere, and courtesy of sales personnel

·      Feedback on products and services purchased or experienced from your organization.

Don’t write too many questions or customers will not bother to answer them! Between 6 and 10 questions would be appropriate.

6. Trial your survey tool before forwarding it to the other restaurants by trying it out on two of your team members. (Your classmates can act as part of your management team.)

7. Adjust your questionnaire, if need be. Submit the draft and reviewed the questionnaire and the two trialed and completed ones.

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