Brand Scorecard and Rival Comparison Presentation

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Brand Scorecard and Rival Comparison Presentation


Students will develop a brand scorecard assessing the brand value and equity of two rival brands competing in the same industry or market space. Specifically, students will create a brand comparison scorecard and assess the image, resonance, value, and equity of the rival brands selected. The following components and issues will be addressed: Brand Scorecard: Develop, apply, explain and present a brand scorecard incorporating the following criterion. Other criterion may be added.
1. Design. Does the brand name, image, slogan, logo or symbol resonate? Does it align with corporate identity and image? Explain the primary and secondary research methods.
2. Brand Marketing. How is the brand positioned? Characterize how the brands are positioned. Identify the marketing activities that support and contribute to the brand’s positioning strategies. Are there opportunities to further enhance that positioning? What markets and channels have they entered? Are there opportunities to develop new channels or segments?
3. Brand Growth. What customer engagement, advertising, and promotion strategies have the brands adopted? Critique their respective architectures. Can a brand hierarchy be identified? If so, what is good and bad about their hierarchy? Do the brands fit into a broader brand portfolio?
4. Brand Value and Equity. What is the value of the brand to the company? Assess the performance of the brands. How well has it been expanded into new markets or channels? How is the growth strategy evaluated and what kind of tools could be used in that evaluation? How have the customer engagement strategies impacted the brand value?
The scorecard will be offered in a slide presentation, including presenter notes. Presenter notes should include citations in APA format. Project slides should range from 8 to 12 slides and include graphics. Exhibits can be added and are not included in the slide total. The scorecard and comparison will be based on information from secondary sources, company websites, as well as professional experiences and insights. Surveys and primary research are encouraged but not required. Use research citations to justify and support opinions and conclusions. The presentation should be a top-line summary of the key points from the scorecard.  At the instructor’s discretion: Each student will have 15 minutes to present, with 5 minutes of that time devoted to Q&A.  Students should turn in a copy of their slides prior to their presentation.  All students are expected to attend all individual presentations to listen and participate in Q&A.

Components % of Grade
Depth and detail of brand scorecard 30%
Assumptions, analysis, and  research 30%
Slide presentation 20%
References 10%
Writing Mechanics 10%
TOTAL 100%

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