A brief Professional Development Plan

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A brief Professional Development Plan — 50% The aim of this assignment is for you to put some of the exercises, readings, feedback, and assessment results from this course to work for your own benefit. The plan should include your most current thinking about leadership (what have you learned in this course?), your thoughts about your personal aspirations going forward (to include personal values and goals), and • -What have you learned about leadership that matters to you? Why does it matter? • What have you learned about your strengths and developmental needs as a leader? What do you need to do to capitalize on your strengths? What will you do to manage your derailers (i.e., a weakness or strength deployed at the wrong time/place/manner)? • What is your game plan for developing as a leader? What are the one or two changes you could make that would make you more effective (and happier) as a leader and as a person? • What are the challenges you anticipate personally and professionally when returning to your previous life, as a part of the re‐entry process? Papers will be judged on quality of thinking, use of data and concepts from the course or from your own experience or reading, logical organization, and presentation (including proofreading, errors of grammar, spelling, etc.). The papers should be 5‐7 pages in length. Please double‐space your papers using 12‐point type and show the word count at the end of the paper. All sources and references should be cited in footnotes. Please use MLA

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