A Comparison and Contrast of Two Court Rulings

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A Comparison and Contrast of Two Court Rulings

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Course Assignments https://class.waldenu.edu/bbcswebdav/institution/USW1/202010_…

For this assignment, compare and contrast two instrumental court decisions (i.e., Tarasoff v. Regents of California (1976) and Estates of Morgan v. Fairfield Family Counseling Center (1997), both impacting confidentiality practices in the counseling profession. Discuss how the rulings impact clinical practice.

The Assignment (23 pages):

Compare and contrast the details of the Tarasoff v. Regents of California (1976) and Estates of Morgan v. Fairfield Family Counseling Center (1997) court decisions. Consider how these cases may be similar or how they may be different.

Describe how the court rulings relate to confidentiality in profession of counseling. Cite appropriate ethical codes to support your narrative.

Put on a ‘counselor hat’ and discuss how the rulings might clarify or make it more difficult for you as a clinician. Reflect upon your understanding of your responsibility to maintain confidentiality with a client.

Your paper should be in proper APA format with a minimum of 2-3 scholarly references. Use the readings, additional readings, course textbook and the court cases to support your stance, or any other related references you might find.

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