A Living Constitution?

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Need help with my Political Science question – I’m studying for my class.


It’s important that we work on improving your political voice (course goal three). One of the ways we will attempt to do that in this course is through the Take A Stand assignments in your textbook. You will find our first Take A Stand (A Living Constitution?) on page 51 (or page 48 if you have the 5th edition). Please do the following:

  • Answer both questions;
  • Be sure you type out each question;
  • Please answer each question thoughtfully.

Your answers should be approximately 35 – 100 words (each) and I will assess them according to how well they answer the questions at hand and demonstrate critical reflection and thought. Please feel free to express your thoughts freely. I am not here to judge you! I may at times question your claims, but only as a way to encourage you to dig deeper.


You must upload your assignment in Word or PDF. No Pages or Google Docs!

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