Airbnb renters awareness

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Airbnb renters awareness


Paper details:

Included 3 Issue/IDEA as the body. Each issue/IDEA is 2 pages at least ( Describe each issue/idea: describe what the situation is, what is happening and what does this result in?. Why should this be fixed?. ) Target audience: individuals interest in renting an Airbnb in Hawaii) #1 issue/IDEA: can be an unsafe neighborhood ( talk about like why should readers should care about this research paper and how do they know the recommendations of this reach paper going to work?) #2 issue?IDEA: reality is different from the pictures posted on Airbnb’s website,… Describe how the recommendations will be achieved by telling who will do what. Where will this take place and when. How will this play out and why will it be done this way?. (for every #issue/IDEA) MUST FOLLOW THE GUIDELINE file attached below.

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