Anheuser-Busch – Essaylink

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4 pages report( double spaced). with 4 slides PPT and 4 mins presentation.

Pick one of the top global companies that you mentioned in (1). Describe the current supply chain process for this particular company by answering the following questions: What are the major components, ingredients, or raw materials used to produce the company’s goods? Who are the major suppliers (Tier 1 suppliers) or manufacturers? Where are the Tier 1 suppliers located? What types of finished goods are produced by this company? What was the production or sales volume in 2018 or 2019? Where are the factories that make finished goods located? Where are the products sold? Which mode/s of transportation are used to distribute the finished goods from the factories to the company’s clients or customers? Does the company use third party logistics providers to store or distribute their goods? (For instance, are the products stored at warehouses managed by third party logistics providers?) You have to answer each of these questions clearly.


The post Anheuser-Busch first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.

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