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I don’t understand this Academic question and need help to study.

  1. What are protective barriers, and what should they entail?
  2. What mitigation procedures can be used to ensure the resiliency of protective barriers?
  3. What is the significance of access and corrective controls?
  4. Describe and explain some of the hardening methods of entry control.

IP Assignment Requirements

  • You must write a minimum of two paragraphs, with two different in-text citations for each question.
  • Every paragraph should have at least four complete sentences.
  • Every question should have a subtitle (Bold and Centered)
  • Every paragraph must be indented
  • Do not continuously cite at the end of each paragraph.
  • You are required to write and cite according to APA 6th Edition format.
  • Your SafeAssign Score needs to be no more than 30%.
  • Please ensure that you use the Individual Project Header for this and every IP assignment.
  • Please proofread your work and correct all grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors before posting your assignment.

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