Assume that your college plans either to embark on a major recycling effort or to expand a recycling program that has already started. Put yourself in the role of an environmental scientist or technician who has been asked

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This requires some research. Assume that your college plans either to embark on a major recycling effort or to expand a recycling program that has already started. Put yourself in the role of an environmental scientist or technician who has been asked to recommend these recycling changes.

First, do some research about recycling programs that have worked in other organizations. A good place tostart is a periodical database such as EBSCOhost or J-stor, which will lead you to some magazine articles of interest. Choose to discuss one or more recoverable resources, such as paper, aluminum, cardboard, plastic, or glass bottles. Be specific about how your recommendations can be implemented by the organization or audience about which you are writing.

*************Be specific about how your recommendations can be implemented by the organization or audience about which you are writing.

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