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I’m studying for my English class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

I am supposed to collect the information asked below from 20 people (make stuff up but be realistic, simple and try to be consistent) these don’t need to be long, 2-3 sentences maybe for each.

Pretend to collect the info from family members (parents, one sister and one brother), friends (no more than 10), colleagues at work (no more than 5), neighbors (no more than 2) customers or anyone who interacts with you.

Ask that they provide you with one story or incidents that respond to the following statement: when I have seen you at your very best, here are the unique strengths you have displayed. Ask these people to write one description that recount at time when they saw you performing at your best, and then describe the contribution you made.

when you write them use title i.e. mom, dad or friend

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