Business Ethics – must read some of provided documents

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Description The Prompt: chose ONE of the following (whichever interests you most) 1) When Ford Motors decided not to spend money on improving the safety of the Pinto, they were severely criticized on moral grounds. Yet Ford’s defense was that they were making a sound moral judgment. It is impractical to expect an automobile to be 100% safe after all. What is an argument against Ford? How is utilitarianism useful and problematic when making decisions that affect others and how should a business determine what actions to take? Or 2) As we rely more and more on artificial intelligence to make difficult decisions for us, we become separated from the decision-making process. Since these decisions will increasingly affect human welfare, it is necessary that ethical considerations are imbedded in artificial intelligence architecture. From a consequentialist perspective, what are your concerns and hopes for increased application of artificial intelligence in our lives and what responsibility does businesses have when implementing AI? Please do not include the header in the 500 word minimum. Please include some of the key words: *consequentialism *utilitarianism *utilitarian cost/benefit analysis Be sure to specifically refer to assigned materials to support and elucidate your answer. professor says: It is not enough to simply assert your moral beliefs; you must give reasons in support of your answer. You must use some of the provide document/videos (whatever you find interesting) and something from elsewhere. The document are attached and the videos are below. 

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