Business management question 6543

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Business management question 6543. You have been meeting with the CEO, the project sponsor, your manager, and the heads of all the other departments to discuss the project and their expectations.

You have been meeting with the CEO, the project sponsor, your manager, and the heads of all the other departments to discuss the project and their expectations. You are starting to be concerned about the level of risk of this project and whether or not the organization really understands it. As far as you can tell, the company has never done formal risk management, taking a more relaxed approach to risks. You are starting to develop your risk management plan; you will present it to your manager and the sponsor in two weeks along with some other project planning deliverables.

Business management question 6543

-Provide a project charter and identify the key constraints of the project (scope, budget, timeline, quality, people resources, etc.).
-Using the scenario from this unit, design a spreadsheet that lists all the project risks you see based on what you currently know about the project

-. List at least 15 risks. For each project risk, provide a:
-Detailed description
-Category (schedule, strategy, people, etc.)
-A project charter and identification of key constraints
-At least 15 risks listed in a spreadsheet with a detailed description and the category of each

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